If you did not, read the initial blog post announcing the challenge
Hi all,
This week was quite busy !
As said last week, I was waiting feedback from the mentor of Bug 1219611 after pushing to TRY. There was mistakes in th the job, but not due to my patch. Patrick Brosset approved it on Monday, making the week a success on the first day, great ! I took this opportunity to as Patrick if he could vouch for me to be a Mozillian, which he did, with very kind words. You can see my profile here : https://mozillians.org/fr/u/chevobbe.nicolas/.
I'm a Mozillian :D https://t.co/ypTubs8D2C . Thanks @patrickbrosset for the kind words
— Nicolas CHEVOBBE (@nicolaschevobbe) 1 Février 2016
I started working on Bug 1218089 during the weekend. it’s a bug on the web console, which I use every day to debug Javascript code. There was a problem with the “repetition” mechanism, the following code :
[NaN, undefined, null].forEach(function(item, index){
would display “NaN (3)”, which was awfully wrong. It took me some time to investigate as the web console code is quite vast and spreaded in multiple files. You can see the results of the investigation here : https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1218089#c4. I fixed this on Sunday and added some tests to make sure this issue will not reproduce. Brian Grinstead, r+ed the patch on Tuesday, making my week a double win !
However, I did not want to slack off for the rest of the week, so I chimmed in Bug 1228978 that looked quite easy. This bug aimed to add a little more affordance to the rate selector button, adding a drop-marker arrow next to the selected rate. I suggested that we sould be adding a tooltip on it to make it even better. Patrick agreed and proposed to add tooltips on all the buttons of the timeline toolbar. The tooltip side was quite interesting to work with, as it introduced me to how the devTools handle L10N. I had to add entries in a .properties file, with a name and a description to make it easily translated. After a couple of back and forth in the bug, i was r+ed. I wanted to push to try, but I think I messed up badly with my local repo, and could not make it. I should read the Mercurial guide for working with bookmark more carefully to prevent those type of things. Anyway, Patrick pushed it to TRY, and I’m now waiting for it to be landed.
In the same time, I had a chat with Patrick on IRC about the way to playrate button selector in the timeline button should behave. I found it misleading when I used it. When you select the speed 0.5×, the animation timeline double the time. So if you have a 10s animation, it would display 20s. It did not feels good to me, the time displayed should be the same, 10s, and we should only move the scrubber twice slower. I was told to file a Bug, which I did the day after. In the same conversation, Patrick asked me if I would be interested to work on Bug 1232681.
This one was quite appealing. element.animate will land in Firefox 47, and even if there were already displayed in the animation panel, there were classified as “unknown” animations. This bug aimed to make sure we give them a proper name and a proper look. I started to have a look on it, clearifying the code, and adding some CSS classes. i asked for feedback for the visual aspect of my patch, and I should write some tests this week to make sure everything works with the script genreated animations.
I did some work too on my “Challenge Dashboard” :
The bug lines are now clickable. When you do so, they are zoomed-in and we show all the events that occured on it. I’m quite pleased with how this is going. I’ll try to work on a way to display overlapping events ( for now, some events might be hidden behind others, if they are in a short time span ).
So that’s it for Week #5, it was quite dense !
See you next Sunday !